skrót wykładu wygłoszonego podczas Konferencji Przyszłość Weterynarii na Zamku w Mosznej 19.10.2019 r.

DVM. LL. D. Ivan Riečan

The Chamber of Veterinary Surgeons of the Slovak Republic is a self-governing professional organization associating veterinarians performing private veterinary activities and services in the Slovak Republic (Slovakia). Veterinary surgeons carry on a private veterinary practice on the basis of registration in a register kept by The Chamber. Membership in The Chamber is obligatory for all practising private veterinarians in Slovakia. The Chamber is also a competent authority for recognition of professional qualification.

As a statutory nongovernmental regulator, The Chamber is responsible under the Veterinary Surgeons Act for establishing ethical standards and regulating the professional conduct of veterinary surgeons to ensure delivery of quality veterinary services and to protect and serve the public interest through the regulation of private veterinary practice. To accomplish mentioned above The Chamber has also the disciplinary powers towards practising members of the profession.

The Chamber is also the professional association representing the veterinary profession in consultations and communications with governments, other nongovernmental bodies, national and international organizations and defending professional, social and economic interests of its members. The Chamber provides expert, legal and economic guidance, insurance and legal services for its members.

Since the continuing veterinary education and professional development (CPD) is mandatory by law in Slovakia, The Chamber supervises its accomplishment by establishing the points system of CPD. The Chamber organizes educational events (congresses, lectures, workshops) and cooperate with other species based veterinary association acting in Slovakia.

The Chamber organizes social and sports events (ball, matches, games, tourism) for its members, their families and friends, which encourages connecting and networking of veterinarians.

Veterinary prevention and protection of the national territory of the Slovak Republic

In addition to private veterinary services, there is The State Veterinary and Food Administration of the Slovak Republic, as a supreme state authority for animal health protection, pursuant to Act on Veterinary Care, and in the field of the food surveillance pursuant to Act on Foodstuffs. Its veterinarians act as official veterinarians performing certain designated official tasks associated with animal health, welfare and food safety. Official veterinarians must not provide privet veterinary services and vice versa.

The private veterinarians can provide "state" veterinary services also in pursuance of contract with Regional Veterinary and Food Administration.


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